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Game details

Competition Competition (?): (#7) "Конкурс №1 (тест)" Discussion
Game author: Konstantin
Referees: Konstantin
The game complexity factor: 0
Author's factor of game complexity: 1
Game: Competition
Game format: Team
Start of the game: 12/03/2012 14:00:00 (UTC 0)
The beginning of the game in your time zone: (UTC )
The game completion time: 12/04/2012 14:00:00 (UTC 0)
Participation fee:0en usd
Prize fund: 0en usd (50% from the sum of subscription)
In the game participated: 0 teams (statistics)
Game status: Game is not available for playing
Responses in the guest book: 1 message
The list of administrators who actually had access to the scenario: Konstantin (in detail)
Approved participations 0 teams.

Game rating
The game rates receiving is in progress.

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04/29/2024 13:45:23
(UTC +1)
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